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This report was printed in The
Daily Chronicle after the first day of the sale by auction,
conducted by Christie, Manson & Wood within Hamilton Palace itself,
of those contents of the palace not sold by Christie's in the recently
concluded five days' sale held in London and the fittings and fixtures
of the palace.
A Petition brought by the Trustees of the 12th
Duke of Hamilton to the Court of Session in Edinburgh, seeking
authority to sell the fabric of Hamilton Palace and its contents,
was dismissed by the Court in June 1919 on the grounds that the
Trustees already possessed the powers of sale which they were asking
the Court to grant them.
Reference is made in The
Daily Chronicle to one of the marvels of the palace, the
portico of 12 monolithic Corinthian columns, copied from the Temple
of Vespasian in Rome, but the feature of the palace which had, it
is said, attracted connoisseurs from all parts of Britain was the
black marble used so extensively in its construction and especially
in the magnificent staircase 'which experts agree must realise at
least £20,000'.