
© Lennoxlove House Ltd |
Photographic copy of design for addition to north
front by Francesco Saponieri
Upon his succession to the ducal title and estates
in 1819, Alexander, 10th Duke of Hamilton
(1767-1852), then aged 51, lost no time in reviving plans to
enhance and enlarge the north front of Hamilton Palace, a scheme
which had lain dormant since the time of the 5th Duke in the 1730s.
His aim was to erect a grand residence which not only reflected
the increasing wealth and national standing of the family but also
provided an appropriately grand setting for the considerable art
collections which he continued to gather and inherit.
This drawing, a design for an addition with a
portico, is one of three drawn up by a Neapolitan architect, Francesco
Saponieri, two of which, including this one, are signed (bottom
right) and dated 'Rome 1819' (bottom left). It follows the general
lines of the elevation proposed by William
Adam (1689-1748) some 90 years earlier, but it is of 15, not
19 window bays, has no end pavilions and the main frontispiece is
a portico of hexastyle as opposed to tetrastyle form (that is, of
six columns not four) and is associated with a perron (staircase)
of a straight-flighted, not curved variety.
Saponieri was presumably known to the duke through
his art collecting visits to Italy, but it is not known whether
Saponieri actually visited Hamilton or, more likely, worked up these
proposals from the Adam drawings, published in Vitruvius
Scoticus as recently as 1812. Whatever the case, Saponieri's,
as opposed to Adam's, drawings appear to have formed the basis of
the architectural interpretation eventually worked out by the 10th
Duke in collaboration with the renowned Glasgow architect, David
Hamilton (1768-1843).